Friday, 10 July 2009


Acid drops have been a favourite for many years, in fact they appeared in several cook books from the 18th century onwards.
Preparation time : 40 minutes
Makes : 225g (8 oz)


450g (1lb) granulated sugar
1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar
100/125ml (4 fl oz) warm water
1 level teaspoon tartaric acid
a few drops of lemon essence


1. Place the sugar, the cream of tartar and the water in a fairly large, heavy saucepan. Place
the pan over a low heat and dissolve the sugar slowly and carefully, brushing the sides of the
pan down frequently. This mixture has less water in it than most other sweets, and so the
sugar will take longer to dissolve.
2. When the sugar has completely dissolved, bring it to the boil, without stirring, until the
mixture reaches 154 C (310f). Remove the pan from the heat and plunge the base of the pan
immediately into a bowl of cold water to prevent the syrup from continuing to cook and
becoming too dark in colour.
3. Mix the tartaric acid with a little warm water and add it to the mixture with a few drops of
the lemon essence, Stir well to mix in the lemon essence and leave the syrup to cool and
thicken for a few minutes. Then, using a teaspoon lightly oiled with cornoil and working
quickly, place small drops in rounds onto an oil slabbed or oiled baking sheet.
4. Allow the acid drops to set completely then remove them from the slab and wrap each one in
cellophane. Keep them in tins or jars.

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