Thursday, 24 September 2009

Chocolate Hazelnut Clusters

225g (8oz) shelled hazelnuts
225g (8oz) plain chocolate
about 7g (1/4oz white vegetable fat (optional)

1. Spread the hazelnuts on a baking sheet and toast in the oven at 180C (350F) mark 4 for about 10 minutes, turning them or shaking the tray from time to time. Turn into a clean tea towel and rub off the skins. Leave the nuts to cool.
2. Break the chcolate into a bowl and place over a pan of hot water until melted. Add a small knob of vegetable fat if necessary to achieve a coating consistency. Line a tray with non-stick baking parchment.
3. Remove the pan from the heat. Drop the nuts into the chocolate and stir them around. Using a teaspoon, retrieve four nuts at a time with a good portion fo chocolate. Plece each cluster in a little heap on the parchment-lined tray. If the chocolate starts to cool and thicken while making the clusters, return the pan to the heat but take care not to overhat the chocolate or it will become too liquid to work with.
4. Leave the hazelnut clusters to dry thoroughly.
Makes about 350g (12oz)

Chocolate Nut Truffles

100g (4oz) plain chocolate, finely grated
25g (1oz) chopped mixed nuts
50g (2oz) icing sugar
1-2 drops of vanilla flavouring
about 15ml (1tbsp) single cream
chocolate vermicelli
1. Put the chocolate, nuts and sugar into a bowl and add vanilla flavouring and enough cream to bind the ingredients together.
2. Form into small balls, roll them in chocolate vermicelli and put into paper cases when firm.
Makes about 225g (8oz)